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  • The Africa Centre 66 Great Suffolk Street London, England, SE1 0BL United Kingdom (map)


In our race to achieve our goals, we often overlook the importance of maintaining the vehicle which brings us to success. The healing work we engage in now has far-reaching benefits; for ours, and FUTURE generations.

Our body is an Archive. Epigenetics explores how our past and present environments influence which of our genes are expressed.  Its findings suggest that attention to our wellness now projects effects far into the transgenerational future.

Qi Gong is an ancient system of energy cultivation which is often thought of as a Chinese invention but has an interesting connection with the African continent. Increasingly, modern scientific experiments are proving the efficacy and principles upon which Qi Gong is based' proving once again the wisdom of 'traditional' practice.

In this one-day programme Decolonising The Archive will be offering :

12:00pm QI GONG AS TIME TRAVEL: A MASTERCLASS WITH CHI GONG MASTER AND HOMEOPATH DR TAU NAPATA. An introduction to Dr Tau Napata's Nu Shu Ra energy cultivation system which he has developed over 30 years of intense Chi Gong study and practice. Use the energy of the present to heal the past and shape the future! (Wear loose clothing and carry a towel/mat)

1:45 - 2:45pm  MOVING IMAGES PT1: Explore breakthroughs in the fields of energy medicine and genetics, the biochemistry of emotions and the power of the mind. See how conventional healthcare models, which have relied on surgery and prescription drugs, are being challenged by a wave of non-invasive healing techniques.

3:00 - 3:30pm: TUINA MEDICAL MASSAGE DEMONSTRATION WITH MERIT HERUT URR SENBISA. Tuina is an ancient form of deep tissue body massage. NO NEED TO GET UNDRESSED! TuiNa as muscle therapy speeds up the bodies’ ability to heal itself and removes toxins that cause stagnation. It increases mobility by stimulating oxygenated blood flow.

4:00 - 5pm:  MOVING IMAGES PT2:  The current medical paradigm that says you have no control over your genetic inheritance. Epigenetic science suggests that the choices and experiences of your ancestors are reflected in which of your genes are expressed (or not) in your lifetime. Recognise the importance and far reaching consequences of your choices in this film exploring modern breakthroughs in Epigenetics. 

5:00 - 6:00pm: KEYNOTE LECTURE: QI GONG AS TIME TRAVEL by Qi Gong Master and Homeopath Dr Tau Napata. In this groundbreaking lecture, Dr Napata explores and explains the benefits of Qi Gong with the idea of epigenetics in mind; shedding some light on the form's historic connections with the African continent.

6:00 - 6:30pm: QUANTUM SCIENCE AND HERBAL MEDICINE. Dogon initiate and Medical Herbalist Marion Kandake Makonnen introduces the elements of her wholistic healing practice. 

6:30 -10:00pm: RELAX, RELATE, RELEASE. A chance to connect with your people and sample the healing opportunities offered by the practitioners and vendors at our ALL DAY ALTERNATIVE MARKET. Choose your pathways to wellness with TUINA MASSAGE, NATURAL TONICS, ACUPUNCTURE, DIGITAL MERIDIAN IMAGING and POWERFUL HERBAL REMEDIES. Healing is a wholistic activity, so eat, read and wear your way to wellness with vendors offering DELICIOUS PLANT-BASED FOODS, READING FOR MIND BODY & SPIRIT and ETHICAL FASHION.